3D Animation

“Brace Yourself” Prototype for a 3D-TV-series, July-Sep-2008

Agency: Kaiserbrand,Berlin/ZoZoVille, Berlin

Client: Nickelodeon, Germany

Task: Animation of all shown characters

Software: XSI 6.5

“Schokolade” TV-production, May-June 2008

Agency: Kaiserbrand,Berlin

Client: TV Berlin/ZDF “Löwenzahn”

Task: design and animation of all shown characters

Software: Maya 6.5

“Gnomes and Trolles-The secret chamber”

Featurefilm, Sep.2007-Feb.-2008

Agency: Whitesharkfilm, Stockholm, Sweden

Task: animation of all shown characters

Software: Maya 2008

“Pepito”, commercials for French TV, Jan.-May 2006

Agency: 58-3D, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Task: animation of all shown characters

Software: XSI 5

“KiKa-Uschi”, TV-production, Jan.-April 2007

Agency: Liquid Image, Berlin

Client: KiKa, Germany

Task: animation of all shown characters

Software: Maya 8.5